Source code for esmf_regrid.schemes

"""Provides an iris interface for regridding."""

from collections import namedtuple
import copy
import functools

from cf_units import Unit
import iris
from iris._lazy_data import map_complete_blocks
import numpy as np

from esmf_regrid.esmf_regridder import GridInfo, Regridder

__all__ = [

def _cube_to_GridInfo(cube):
    # This is a simplified version of an equivalent function/method in PR #26.
    # It is anticipated that this function will be replaced by the one in PR #26.
    # Returns a GridInfo object describing the horizontal grid of the cube.
    # This may be inherited from code written for the rectilinear regridding scheme.
    lon, lat = cube.coord(axis="x"), cube.coord(axis="y")
    #  Checks may cover units, coord systems (e.g. rotated pole), contiguous bounds.
    if cube.coord_system() is None:
        crs = None
        crs = cube.coord_system().as_cartopy_crs()
    londim, latdim = len(lon.shape), len(lat.shape)
    assert londim == latdim
    assert londim in (1, 2)
    if londim == 1:
        # Ensure coords come from a proper grid.
        assert isinstance(lon, iris.coords.DimCoord)
        assert isinstance(lat, iris.coords.DimCoord)
        circular = lon.circular
        # TODO: perform checks on lat/lon.
    elif londim == 2:
        assert cube.coord_dims(lon) == cube.coord_dims(lat)
        assert lon.is_contiguous()
        assert lat.is_contiguous()
        # 2D coords must be AuxCoords, which do not have a circular attribute.
        circular = False
    lon_bound_array = lon.contiguous_bounds()
    lon_bound_array = lon.units.convert(lon_bound_array, Unit("degrees"))
    lat_bound_array = lat.contiguous_bounds()
    lat_bound_array = lat.units.convert(lat_bound_array, Unit("degrees"))
    return GridInfo(

def _regrid_along_grid_dims(regridder, data, grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim, mdtol):
    Perform regridding on data over specific dimensions.

    regridder : Regridder
        An instance of Regridder initialised to perfomr regridding.
    data : array
        The data to be regrid.
    grid_x_dim : int
        The dimension of the X axis.
    grid_y_dim : int
        The dimension of the Y axis.
    mdtol : float
        Tolerance of missing data.

        The result of regridding the data.

    data = np.moveaxis(data, [grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim], [-1, -2])
    result = regridder.regrid(data, mdtol=mdtol)

    result = np.moveaxis(result, [-1, -2], [grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim])
    return result

def _create_cube(data, src_cube, grid_dim_x, grid_dim_y, grid_x, grid_y):
    Return a new cube for the result of regridding.

    Returned cube represents the result of regridding the source cube
    onto the new grid.
    All the metadata and coordinates of the result cube are copied from
    the source cube, with two exceptions:
        - Grid dimension coordinates are copied from the grid cube.
        - Auxiliary coordinates which span the grid dimensions are

    data : array
        The regridded data as an N-dimensional NumPy array.
    src_cube : cube
        The source Cube.
    grid_dim_x : int
        The dimension of the X coordinate within the source Cube.
    grid_dim_y : int
        The dimension of the Y coordinate within the source Cube.
    grid_x : DimCoord
        The :class:`iris.coords.DimCoord` for the new grid's X
    grid_y : DimCoord
        The :class:`iris.coords.DimCoord` for the new grid's Y

        A new iris.cube.Cube instance.

    new_cube = iris.cube.Cube(data)

    if len(grid_x.shape) == 1:
        new_cube.add_dim_coord(grid_x, grid_dim_x)
        new_cube.add_aux_coord(grid_x, (grid_dim_y, grid_dim_x))

    if len(grid_y.shape) == 1:
        new_cube.add_dim_coord(grid_y, grid_dim_y)
        new_cube.add_aux_coord(grid_y, (grid_dim_y, grid_dim_x))

    new_cube.metadata = copy.deepcopy(src_cube.metadata)

    def copy_coords(src_coords, add_method):
        for coord in src_coords:
            dims = src_cube.coord_dims(coord)
            if grid_dim_x in dims or grid_dim_y in dims:
            result_coord = coord.copy()
            # Add result_coord to the owner of add_method.
            add_method(result_coord, dims)

    copy_coords(src_cube.dim_coords, new_cube.add_dim_coord)
    copy_coords(src_cube.aux_coords, new_cube.add_aux_coord)

    return new_cube

RegridInfo = namedtuple(
    "RegridInfo", ["x_dim", "y_dim", "x_coord", "y_coord", "regridder"]

def _regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear__prepare(src_grid_cube, tgt_grid_cube):
    tgt_x = tgt_grid_cube.coord(axis="x")
    tgt_y = tgt_grid_cube.coord(axis="y")
    src_x = src_grid_cube.coord(axis="x")
    src_y = src_grid_cube.coord(axis="y")

    if len(src_x.shape) == 1:
        grid_x_dim = src_grid_cube.coord_dims(src_x)[0]
        grid_y_dim = src_grid_cube.coord_dims(src_y)[0]
        grid_y_dim, grid_x_dim = src_grid_cube.coord_dims(src_x)

    srcinfo = _cube_to_GridInfo(src_grid_cube)
    tgtinfo = _cube_to_GridInfo(tgt_grid_cube)

    regridder = Regridder(srcinfo, tgtinfo)

    regrid_info = RegridInfo(

    return regrid_info

def _regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear__perform(src_cube, regrid_info, mdtol):
    grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim, grid_x, grid_y, regridder = regrid_info

    # Set up a function which can accept just chunk of data as an argument.
    regrid = functools.partial(

    # Apply regrid to all the chunks of src_cube, ensuring first that all
    # chunks cover the entire horizontal plane (otherwise they would break
    # the regrid function).
    if len(grid_x.shape) == 1:
        chunk_shape = (len(grid_x.points), len(grid_y.points))
        chunk_shape = grid_x.shape
    new_data = map_complete_blocks(
        (grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim),

    new_cube = _create_cube(
    return new_cube

[docs]def regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear(src_cube, grid_cube, mdtol=0): r""" Regrid rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` onto another rectilinear grid. Return a new :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` with :attr:`` values calculated using the area weighted mean of :attr:`` values from ``src_cube`` regridded onto the horizontal grid of ``grid_cube``. Parameters ---------- src_cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A rectilinear instance of :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` that supplies the data, metadata and coordinates. grid_cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A rectilinear instance of :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` that supplies the desired horizontal grid definition. mdtol : float, default=0 Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`\\ 's :attr:`` array will be masked if the fraction of masked data in the overlapping cells of ``src_cube`` exceeds ``mdtol``. This fraction is calculated based on the area of masked cells within each target cell. ``mdtol=0`` means no missing data is tolerated while ``mdtol=1`` will mean the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the overlapping cells of ``src_cube`` are masked. Returns ------- :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A new :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` instance. """ regrid_info = _regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear__prepare(src_cube, grid_cube) result = _regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear__perform(src_cube, regrid_info, mdtol) return result
[docs]class ESMFAreaWeighted: """ A scheme which can be recognised by :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.regrid`. This class describes an area-weighted regridding scheme for regridding between horizontal grids with separated ``X`` and ``Y`` coordinates. It uses :mod:`ESMF` to be able to handle grids in different coordinate systems. """ def __init__(self, mdtol=0): """ Area-weighted scheme for regridding between rectilinear grids. Parameters ---------- mdtol : float, default=0 Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned array will be masked if the fraction of missing data exceeds ``mdtol``. This fraction is calculated based on the area of masked cells within each target cell. ``mdtol=0`` means no masked data is tolerated while ``mdtol=1`` will mean the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the overlapping elements of the source grid are masked. """ if not (0 <= mdtol <= 1): msg = "Value for mdtol must be in range 0 - 1, got {}." raise ValueError(msg.format(mdtol)) self.mdtol = mdtol def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of the class.""" return "ESMFAreaWeighted(mdtol={})".format(self.mdtol)
[docs] def regridder(self, src_grid, tgt_grid): """ Create regridder to perform regridding from ``src_grid`` to ``tgt_grid``. Parameters ---------- src_grid : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` defining the source grid. tgt_grid : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` defining the target grid. Returns ------- :class:`ESMFAreaWeightedRegridder` A callable instance of a regridder with the interface: ``regridder(cube)`` ... where ``cube`` is a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` with the same grid as ``src_grid`` that is to be regridded to the grid of ``tgt_grid``. """ return ESMFAreaWeightedRegridder(src_grid, tgt_grid, mdtol=self.mdtol)
[docs]class ESMFAreaWeightedRegridder: r"""Regridder class for unstructured to rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`\\ s.""" def __init__(self, src_grid, tgt_grid, mdtol=0): """ Create regridder for conversions between ``src_grid`` and ``tgt_grid``. Parameters ---------- src_grid : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` providing the source grid. tgt_grid : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` providing the target grid. mdtol : float, default=0 Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned array will be masked if the fraction of masked data exceeds ``mdtol``. ``mdtol=0`` means no missing data is tolerated while ``mdtol=1`` will mean the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the contributing elements of data are masked. """ if not (0 <= mdtol <= 1): msg = "Value for mdtol must be in range 0 - 1, got {}." raise ValueError(msg.format(mdtol)) self.mdtol = mdtol regrid_info = _regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear__prepare(src_grid, tgt_grid) # Store regrid info. self.grid_x = regrid_info.x_coord self.grid_y = regrid_info.y_coord self.regridder = regrid_info.regridder # Record the source grid. self.src_grid = (src_grid.coord(axis="x"), src_grid.coord(axis="y")) def __call__(self, cube): """ Regrid this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` onto the target grid of this regridder instance. The given :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` must be defined with the same grid as the source :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` used to create this :class:`ESMFAreaWeightedRegridder` instance. Parameters ---------- cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` instance to be regridded. Returns ------- :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` defined with the horizontal dimensions of the target and the other dimensions from this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. The data values of this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` will be converted to values on the new grid using area-weighted regridding via :mod:`ESMF` generated weights. """ src_x, src_y = (cube.coord(axis="x"), cube.coord(axis="y")) # Check the source grid matches that used in initialisation if self.src_grid != (src_x, src_y): raise ValueError( "The given cube is not defined on the same " "source grid as this regridder." ) if len(src_x.shape) == 1: grid_x_dim = cube.coord_dims(src_x)[0] grid_y_dim = cube.coord_dims(src_y)[0] else: grid_y_dim, grid_x_dim = cube.coord_dims(src_x) regrid_info = RegridInfo( x_dim=grid_x_dim, y_dim=grid_y_dim, x_coord=self.grid_x, y_coord=self.grid_y, regridder=self.regridder, ) return _regrid_rectilinear_to_rectilinear__perform( cube, regrid_info, self.mdtol )