Source code for esmf_regrid.experimental.unstructured_scheme

"""Provides an iris interface for unstructured regridding."""

import copy
import functools

import iris
from iris.analysis._interpolation import get_xy_dim_coords
import numpy as np

from esmf_regrid.esmf_regridder import GridInfo, Regridder
from esmf_regrid.experimental.unstructured_regrid import MeshInfo

def _map_complete_blocks(src, func, dims, out_sizes):
    Apply a function to complete blocks.

    Based on :func:`iris._lazy_data.map_complete_blocks`.
    By "complete blocks" we mean that certain dimensions are enforced to be
    spanned by single chunks.
    Unlike the iris version of this function, this function also handles
    cases where the input and output have a different number of dimensions.
    The particular cases this function is designed for involves collapsing
    a 2D grid to a 1D mesh and expanding a 1D mesh to a 2D grid. Cases
    involving the mapping between the same number of dimensions should still
    behave the same as before.

    src : cube
        Source :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` that function is applied to.
    func : function
        Function to apply.
    dims : tuple of int
        Dimensions that cannot be chunked.
    out_sizes : tuple of int
        Output size of dimensions that cannot be chunked.

        Either a :class:`dask.array.array`, or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        depending on the laziness of the data in src.

    if not src.has_lazy_data():
        return func(

    data = src.lazy_data()

    # Ensure dims are not chunked
    in_chunks = list(data.chunks)
    for dim in dims:
        in_chunks[dim] = src.shape[dim]
    data = data.rechunk(in_chunks)

    # Determine output chunks
    sorted_dims = sorted(dims)
    out_chunks = list(data.chunks)
    for dim, size in zip(sorted_dims, out_sizes):
        out_chunks[dim] = size

    num_dims = len(dims)
    num_out = len(out_sizes)
    dropped_dims = []
    new_axis = None
    if num_out > num_dims:
        # While this code should be robust for cases where num_out > num_dims > 1,
        # there is some ambiguity as to what their behaviour ought to be.
        # Since these cases are out of our own scope, we explicitly ignore them
        # for the time being.
        assert num_dims == 1
        # While this code should be robust for cases where num_out > 2,
        # we expect to handle at most 2D grids.
        # Since these cases are out of our own scope, we explicitly ignore them
        # for the time being.
        assert num_out == 2
        slice_index = sorted_dims[-1]
        # Insert the remaining contents of out_sizes in the position immediately
        # after the last dimension.
        out_chunks[slice_index:slice_index] = out_sizes[num_dims:]
        new_axis = range(slice_index, slice_index + num_out - num_dims)
    elif num_dims > num_out:
        # While this code should be robust for cases where num_dims > num_out > 1,
        # there is some ambiguity as to what their behaviour ought to be.
        # Since these cases are out of our own scope, we explicitly ignore them
        # for the time being.
        assert num_out == 1
        # While this code should be robust for cases where num_dims > 2,
        # we expect to handle at most 2D grids.
        # Since these cases are out of our own scope, we explicitly ignore them
        # for the time being.
        assert num_dims == 2
        dropped_dims = sorted_dims[num_out:]
        # Remove the remaining dimensions from the expected output shape.
        for dim in dropped_dims[::-1]:

    return data.map_blocks(

# Taken from PR #26
def _bounds_cf_to_simple_1d(cf_bounds):
    assert (cf_bounds[1:, 0] == cf_bounds[:-1, 1]).all()
    simple_bounds = np.empty((cf_bounds.shape[0] + 1,), dtype=np.float64)
    simple_bounds[:-1] = cf_bounds[:, 0]
    simple_bounds[-1] = cf_bounds[-1, 1]
    return simple_bounds

def _mesh_to_MeshInfo(mesh):
    # Returns a MeshInfo object describing the mesh of the cube.
    assert mesh.topology_dimension == 2
    meshinfo = MeshInfo(
        np.stack([coord.points for coord in mesh.node_coords], axis=-1),
    return meshinfo

def _cube_to_GridInfo(cube):
    # This is a simplified version of an equivalent function/method in PR #26.
    # It is anticipated that this function will be replaced by the one in PR #26.
    # Returns a GridInfo object describing the horizontal grid of the cube.
    # This may be inherited from code written for the rectilinear regridding scheme.
    lon = cube.coord("longitude")
    lat = cube.coord("latitude")
    # Ensure coords come from a proper grid.
    assert isinstance(lon, iris.coords.DimCoord)
    assert isinstance(lat, iris.coords.DimCoord)
    # TODO: accommodate other x/y coords.
    # TODO: perform checks on lat/lon.
    #  Checks may cover units, coord systems (e.g. rotated pole), contiguous bounds.
    return GridInfo(

def _regrid_along_mesh_dim(regridder, data, mesh_dim, mdtol):
    # Before regridding, data is transposed to a standard form.
    # In the future, this may be done within the regridder by specifying args.

    # Move the mesh axis to be the last dimension.
    data = np.moveaxis(data, mesh_dim, -1)

    result = regridder.regrid(data, mdtol=mdtol)

    # Move grid axes back into the original position of the mesh.
    result = np.moveaxis(result, [-2, -1], [mesh_dim, mesh_dim + 1])

    return result

def _create_cube(data, src_cube, mesh_dim, grid_x, grid_y):
    Return a new cube for the result of regridding.

    Returned cube represents the result of regridding the source cube
    onto the new grid.
    All the metadata and coordinates of the result cube are copied from
    the source cube, with two exceptions:
        - Grid dimension coordinates are copied from the grid cube.
        - Auxiliary coordinates which span the grid dimensions are

    data : array
        The regridded data as an N-dimensional NumPy array.
    src_cube : cube
        The source Cube.
    mesh_dim : int
        The dimension of the mesh within the source Cube.
    grid_x : DimCoord
        The :class:`iris.coords.DimCoord` for the new grid's X
    grid_y : DimCoord
        The :class:`iris.coords.DimCoord` for the new grid's Y

        A new iris.cube.Cube instance.

    new_cube = iris.cube.Cube(data)

    # TODO: The following code is rigid with respect to which dimensions
    #  the x coord and y coord are assigned to. We should decide if it is
    #  appropriate to copy the dimension ordering from the target cube
    #  instead.
    new_cube.add_dim_coord(grid_x, mesh_dim + 1)
    new_cube.add_dim_coord(grid_y, mesh_dim)

    new_cube.metadata = copy.deepcopy(src_cube.metadata)

    # TODO: Handle derived coordinates. The following code is taken from
    #  iris, the parts dealing with derived coordinates have been
    #  commented out for the time being.
    # coord_mapping = {}

    def copy_coords(src_coords, add_method):
        for coord in src_coords:
            dims = src_cube.coord_dims(coord)
            if hasattr(coord, "mesh") or mesh_dim in dims:
            # Since the mesh will be replaced by a 2D grid, dims which are
            # beyond the mesh_dim are increased by one.
            dims = [dim if dim < mesh_dim else dim + 1 for dim in dims]
            result_coord = coord.copy()
            # Add result_coord to the owner of add_method.
            add_method(result_coord, dims)
            # coord_mapping[id(coord)] = result_coord

    copy_coords(src_cube.dim_coords, new_cube.add_dim_coord)
    copy_coords(src_cube.aux_coords, new_cube.add_aux_coord)

    # for factory in src_cube.aux_factories:
    #     # TODO: Regrid dependant coordinates which span mesh_dim.
    #     try:
    #         result.add_aux_factory(factory.updated(coord_mapping))
    #     except KeyError:
    #         msg = (
    #             "Cannot update aux_factory {!r} because of dropped"
    #             " coordinates.".format(
    #         )
    #         warnings.warn(msg)

    return new_cube

def _regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear__prepare(
    src_mesh_cube, target_grid_cube, precomputed_weights=None
    First (setup) part of 'regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear'.

    Check inputs and calculate the sparse regrid matrix and related info.
    The 'regrid info' returned can be re-used over many 2d slices.

    # TODO: Perform checks on the arguments. (grid coords are contiguous,
    #  spherical and monotonic. Mesh is defined on faces)

    # TODO: Account for differences in units.

    # TODO: Account for differences in coord systems.

    # TODO: Record appropriate dimensions (i.e. which dimension the mesh belongs to)

    grid_x, grid_y = get_xy_dim_coords(target_grid_cube)
    mesh = src_mesh_cube.mesh
    # TODO: Improve the checking of mesh validity. Check the mesh location and
    #  raise appropriate error messages.
    assert mesh is not None
    # From src_mesh_cube, fetch the mesh, and the dimension on the cube which that
    # mesh belongs to.
    mesh_dim = src_mesh_cube.mesh_dim()

    meshinfo = _mesh_to_MeshInfo(mesh)
    gridinfo = _cube_to_GridInfo(target_grid_cube)

    regridder = Regridder(meshinfo, gridinfo, precomputed_weights)

    regrid_info = (mesh_dim, grid_x, grid_y, regridder)

    return regrid_info

def _regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear__perform(src_cube, regrid_info, mdtol):
    Second (regrid) part of 'regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear'.

    Perform the prepared regrid calculation on a single cube.

    mesh_dim, grid_x, grid_y, regridder = regrid_info

    # Set up a function which can accept just chunk of data as an argument.
    regrid = functools.partial(

    # Apply regrid to all the chunks of src_cube, ensuring first that all
    # chunks cover the entire horizontal plane (otherwise they would break
    # the regrid function).
    new_data = _map_complete_blocks(
        (len(grid_x.points), len(grid_y.points)),

    new_cube = _create_cube(

    # TODO: apply tweaks to created cube (slice out length 1 dimensions)

    return new_cube

[docs]def regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear(src_cube, grid_cube, mdtol=0): r""" Regrid unstructured :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` onto rectilinear grid. Return a new :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` with :attr:`` values calculated using the area weighted mean of :attr:`` values from ``src_cube`` regridded onto the horizontal grid of ``grid_cube``. The dimension on the :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` belonging to the :attr:`~iris.cube.Cube.mesh` will replaced by the two dimensions associated with the grid. This function requires that the horizontal dimension of ``src_cube`` is described by a 2D mesh with data located on the faces of that mesh. This function requires that the horizontal grid of ``grid_cube`` is rectilinear (i.e. expressed in terms of two orthogonal 1D coordinates). This function also requires that the :class:`~iris.coords.Coord`\\ s describing the horizontal grid have :attr:`~iris.coords.Coord.bounds`. Parameters ---------- src_cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` An unstructured instance of :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` that supplies the data, metadata and coordinates. grid_cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A rectilinear instance of :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` that supplies the desired horizontal grid definition. mdtol : float, default=0 Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`\\ 's :attr:`` array will be masked if the fraction of masked data in the overlapping cells of ``src_cube`` exceeds ``mdtol``. This fraction is calculated based on the area of masked cells within each target cell. ``mdtol=0`` means no missing data is tolerated while ``mdtol=1`` will mean the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the overlapping cells of ``src_cube`` are masked. Returns ------- :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A new :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` instance. """ regrid_info = _regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear__prepare(src_cube, grid_cube) result = _regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear__perform(src_cube, regrid_info, mdtol) return result
[docs]class MeshToGridESMFRegridder: r"""Regridder class for unstructured to rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`\\ s.""" def __init__( self, src_mesh_cube, target_grid_cube, mdtol=1, precomputed_weights=None ): """ Create regridder for conversions between source mesh and target grid. Parameters ---------- src_mesh_cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The unstructured :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` providing the source grid. target_grid_cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` providing the target grid. mdtol : float, default=1 Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned array will be masked if the fraction of masked data exceeds ``mdtol``. ``mdtol=0`` means no missing data is tolerated while ``mdtol=1`` will mean the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the contributing elements of data are masked. """ # TODO: Record information about the identity of the mesh. This would # typically be a copy of the mesh, though given the potential size of # the mesh, it may make sense to either retain a reference to the actual # mesh or else something like a hash of the mesh. # Missing data tolerance. # Code directly copied from iris. if not (0 <= mdtol <= 1): msg = "Value for mdtol must be in range 0 - 1, got {}." raise ValueError(msg.format(mdtol)) self.mdtol = mdtol partial_regrid_info = _regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear__prepare( src_mesh_cube, target_grid_cube, precomputed_weights=precomputed_weights ) # Record source mesh. self.mesh = src_mesh_cube.mesh # Store regrid info. _, self.grid_x, self.grid_y, self.regridder = partial_regrid_info def __call__(self, cube): """ Regrid this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` onto the target grid of this regridder instance. The given :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` must be defined with the same mesh as the source cube used to create this :class:`MeshToGridESMFRegridder` instance. Parameters ---------- cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` instance to be regridded. Returns ------- :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` defined with the horizontal dimensions of the target and the other dimensions from ``cube``. The :attr:`` values of ``cube`` will be converted to values on the new grid using area-weighted regridding via :mod:`ESMF` generated weights. """ mesh = cube.mesh # TODO: replace temporary hack when iris issues are sorted. assert mesh is not None # Ignore differences in var_name that might be caused by saving. # TODO: uncomment this when iris issue with masked array comparison is sorted. # self_mesh = copy.deepcopy(self.mesh) # self_mesh.var_name = mesh.var_name # for self_coord, other_coord in zip(self_mesh.all_coords, mesh.all_coords): # if self_coord is not None: # self_coord.var_name = other_coord.var_name # for self_con, other_con in zip( # self_mesh.all_connectivities, mesh.all_connectivities # ): # if self_con is not None: # self_con.var_name = other_con.var_name # if self_mesh != mesh: # raise ValueError( # "The given cube is not defined on the same " # "source mesh as this regridder." # ) mesh_dim = cube.mesh_dim() regrid_info = (mesh_dim, self.grid_x, self.grid_y, self.regridder) return _regrid_unstructured_to_rectilinear__perform( cube, regrid_info, self.mdtol )
def _regrid_along_grid_dims(regridder, data, grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim, mdtol): # The mesh will be assigned to the first dimension associated with the # grid, whether that is associated with the x or y coordinate. tgt_mesh_dim = min(grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim) data = np.moveaxis(data, [grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim], [-1, -2]) result = regridder.regrid(data, mdtol=mdtol) result = np.moveaxis(result, -1, tgt_mesh_dim) return result def _create_mesh_cube(data, src_cube, grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim, mesh): """ Return a new cube for the result of regridding. Returned cube represents the result of regridding the source cube onto the new mesh. All the metadata and coordinates of the result cube are copied from the source cube, with two exceptions: - Grid dimension coordinates are copied from the grid cube. - Auxiliary coordinates which span the mesh dimension are ignored. Parameters ---------- data : array The regridded data as an N-dimensional NumPy array. src_cube : cube The source Cube. grid_x_dim : int The dimension of the x dimension on the source Cube. grid_y_dim : int The dimension of the y dimension on the source Cube. mesh : Mesh The :class:`iris.experimental.ugrid.Mesh` for the new Cube. Returns ------- cube A new iris.cube.Cube instance. """ new_cube = iris.cube.Cube(data) min_grid_dim = min(grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim) max_grid_dim = max(grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim) for coord in mesh.to_MeshCoords("face"): new_cube.add_aux_coord(coord, min_grid_dim) new_cube.metadata = copy.deepcopy(src_cube.metadata) def copy_coords(src_coords, add_method): for coord in src_coords: dims = src_cube.coord_dims(coord) if grid_x_dim in dims or grid_y_dim in dims: continue # Since the 2D grid will be replaced by a 1D mesh, dims which are # beyond the max_grid_dim are decreased by one. dims = [dim if dim < max_grid_dim else dim - 1 for dim in dims] result_coord = coord.copy() # Add result_coord to the owner of add_method. add_method(result_coord, dims) copy_coords(src_cube.dim_coords, new_cube.add_dim_coord) copy_coords(src_cube.aux_coords, new_cube.add_aux_coord) return new_cube def _regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured__prepare( src_grid_cube, target_mesh_cube, precomputed_weights=None ): """ First (setup) part of 'regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured'. Check inputs and calculate the sparse regrid matrix and related info. The 'regrid info' returned can be re-used over many 2d slices. """ grid_x, grid_y = get_xy_dim_coords(src_grid_cube) mesh = target_mesh_cube.mesh # TODO: Improve the checking of mesh validity. Check the mesh location and # raise appropriate error messages. assert mesh is not None grid_x_dim = src_grid_cube.coord_dims(grid_x)[0] grid_y_dim = src_grid_cube.coord_dims(grid_y)[0] meshinfo = _mesh_to_MeshInfo(mesh) gridinfo = _cube_to_GridInfo(src_grid_cube) regridder = Regridder(gridinfo, meshinfo, precomputed_weights) regrid_info = (grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim, grid_x, grid_y, mesh, regridder) return regrid_info def _regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured__perform(src_cube, regrid_info, mdtol): """ Second (regrid) part of 'regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured'. Perform the prepared regrid calculation on a single cube. """ grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim, grid_x, grid_y, mesh, regridder = regrid_info # Set up a function which can accept just chunk of data as an argument. regrid = functools.partial( _regrid_along_grid_dims, regridder, grid_x_dim=grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim=grid_y_dim, mdtol=mdtol, ) face_node = mesh.face_node_connectivity # In face_node_connectivity: `location`= face, `connected` = node, so # you want to get the length of the `location` dimension. n_faces = face_node.shape[face_node.location_axis] # Apply regrid to all the chunks of src_cube, ensuring first that all # chunks cover the entire horizontal plane (otherwise they would break # the regrid function). new_data = _map_complete_blocks( src_cube, regrid, (grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim), (n_faces,), ) new_cube = _create_mesh_cube( new_data, src_cube, grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim, mesh, ) return new_cube
[docs]def regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured(src_cube, mesh_cube, mdtol=0): r""" Regrid rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` onto unstructured mesh. Return a new :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` with :attr:`` values calculated using the area weighted mean of :attr:`` values from ``src_cube`` regridded onto the horizontal mesh of ``mesh_cube``. The dimensions on the :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` associated with the grid will replaced by a dimension associated with the :attr:`~iris.cube.Cube.mesh`. That dimension will be the the first of the grid dimensions, whether it is associated with the ``x`` or ``y`` coordinate. Since two dimensions are being replaced by one, coordinates associated with dimensions after the grid will become associated with dimensions one lower. This function requires that the horizontal dimension of ``mesh_cube`` is described by a 2D mesh with data located on the faces of that mesh. This function requires that the horizontal grid of ``src_cube`` is rectilinear (i.e. expressed in terms of two orthogonal 1D coordinates). This function also requires that the :class:`~iris.coords.Coord`\\ s describing the horizontal grid have :attr:`~iris.coords.Coord.bounds`. Parameters ---------- src_cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A rectilinear instance of :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` that supplies the data, metadata and coordinates. mesh_cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` An unstructured instance of :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` that supplies the desired horizontal mesh definition. mdtol : float, default=0 Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`\\ 's :attr:`` array will be masked if the fraction of masked data in the overlapping cells of the source cube exceeds ``mdtol``. This fraction is calculated based on the area of masked cells within each target cell. ``mdtol=0`` means no missing data is tolerated while ``mdtol=1`` will mean the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the overlapping cells of the ``src_cube`` are masked. Returns ------- :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A new :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` instance. """ regrid_info = _regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured__prepare(src_cube, mesh_cube) result = _regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured__perform(src_cube, regrid_info, mdtol) return result
[docs]class GridToMeshESMFRegridder: r"""Regridder class for rectilinear to unstructured :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`\\ s.""" def __init__( self, src_mesh_cube, target_grid_cube, mdtol=1, precomputed_weights=None ): """ Create regridder for conversions between source grid and target mesh. Parameters ---------- src_grid_cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The unstructured :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` cube providing the source grid. target_grid_cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` The rectilinear :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` providing the target mesh. mdtol : float, default=1 Tolerance of missing data. The value returned in each element of the returned array will be masked if the fraction of masked data exceeds ``mdtol``. ``mdtol=0`` means no missing data is tolerated while ``mdtol=1`` will mean the resulting element will be masked if and only if all the contributing elements of data are masked. """ # Missing data tolerance. # Code directly copied from iris. if not (0 <= mdtol <= 1): msg = "Value for mdtol must be in range 0 - 1, got {}." raise ValueError(msg.format(mdtol)) self.mdtol = mdtol partial_regrid_info = _regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured__prepare( src_mesh_cube, target_grid_cube, precomputed_weights=precomputed_weights ) # Store regrid info. _, _, self.grid_x, self.grid_y, self.mesh, self.regridder = partial_regrid_info def __call__(self, cube): """ Regrid this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` onto the target mesh of this regridder instance. The given :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` must be defined with the same grid as the source cube used to create this :class:`MeshToGridESMFRegridder` instance. Parameters ---------- cube : :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` instance to be regridded. Returns ------- :class:`iris.cube.Cube` A :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` defined with the horizontal dimensions of the target and the other dimensions from ``cube``. The :attr:`` values of ``cube`` will be converted to values on the new grid using area-weighted regridding via :mod:`ESMF` generated weights. """ grid_x, grid_y = get_xy_dim_coords(cube) # Ignore differences in var_name that might be caused by saving. self_grid_x = copy.deepcopy(self.grid_x) self_grid_x.var_name = grid_x.var_name self_grid_y = copy.deepcopy(self.grid_y) self_grid_y.var_name = grid_y.var_name if (grid_x != self_grid_x) or (grid_y != self_grid_y): raise ValueError( "The given cube is not defined on the same " "source grid as this regridder." ) grid_x_dim = cube.coord_dims(grid_x)[0] grid_y_dim = cube.coord_dims(grid_y)[0] regrid_info = ( grid_x_dim, grid_y_dim, self.grid_x, self.grid_y, self.mesh, self.regridder, ) return _regrid_rectilinear_to_unstructured__perform( cube, regrid_info, self.mdtol )